"Yes, I understand you're giving your opinion. Yes, there is still a line between being honest and being rude."

Another week has come and gone...
  • This week I realized that eavesdropping is my favorite hobby of all time. There is no other pastime quite as fulfilling. You never know the shockingly hilarious things people will say when they think no one else is listening.
  • I'm not a fan of so-called "useless" criticism. I feel like there comes a point when criticism crosses the line and is no longer beneficial to the individual. It ends up doing more damage than good. For instance, I was told my music for my senior piece overpowered my dancers this past Wednesday. It's about two weeks from the show...the last thing I can do at this point is change my music. Instead of working on cleaning my dance, I spent hours upon hours searching for alternative music options. In the end, nothing came close to my original music selection, and I wasted hours upon hours of my precious time. I guess I'll just have to agree to disagree with my professors on this one.
  • I only have 5 more pages to sell of yearbook ads! After e-mailing, texting, Facebooking and calling, it's good to see my labors finally are paying off.
  • I also went on an interesting shopping trip with Libby and a few company members today. Let's just say, she was a tad too comfortable with honking her horn and hitting her brakes. I'm a little concerned about our trip to Laredo if she's going to be driving. With that said, however, our trip to buy white shirts for less than $5 proved successful...gotta love the fine shopping at the Nac Mall!
  • I also realized that the executive chef of Aramark is quite skilled at fine cooking. He made the most amazing beef tenderloin for my feature writing class this past Wednesday. I wonder why the cafeteria's food never tastes like that. If it did, I would've never wrote my "Meal Plan Rantings" piece.
  • I got my press credential badge today. I feel so special now. I know it's just a piece of laminated paper, but it means quite a bit to me. Yay!
  • I also had the opportunity to eat at Bleecker Street today. I've been at SFA for more than a year now, and this is the first time I've ever tried this place. Let's just say their chicken salad sandwiches put everybody else to shame! This might be my new favorite place to eat on campus.
  • Tomorrow the SFA Repertory Dance Company will be performing at the Lumberjack Bash. This should be interesting. Apparently, the guests will be members of the Class of 1961. In other words, they are approximately 72 years old. The theme is "Home."
  • The song of the week is "Running Through My Head" by the Casey Donahew Band. They are coming to Nac on Saturday! Yay! 


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