"If he is stupid enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him."

It's OVER! OK, the week may not quite be over, but I consider it over. Yes, I still have one class left tomorrow, but I've mentally checked out for the remainder of the week. Don't hate! With that said, this week was one for the history books (yet again)
  • I had to have my senior choreographic piece finished by Wednesday. While this doesn't sound like much, it really was. I had approximately 2 minutes of choreography to whip out and teach my dancers in one night. Let's just say things didn't go as planned. I didn't choreograph enough which forced me to come up with something on the spot...not good. With that said, however, I did get a compliment in disguise from Stan. His words exactly were, "Your dance is a hidden gem in the rough." Yep, I'm taking that as a compliment. Don't argue otherwise!
  • This week I also was very productive in terms of yearbook stuff. I e-mailed every single adviser and student leader for all of the organizations at SFA. This was no small feat, considering there are hundreds of organizations.
  • I had two more stories published in The Pine Log. Yep, it never gets old. I'm still just as giddy as ever when I see people read my stories.
  • I also realized something I should have realized months ago. "If someone doesn't make you their everything, don't make them your anything." I have no clue who said this, but it's oh so true. This week I let go of someone I tried to, for one reason or another, hold on to. I must say it was quite liberating.
  • I got my head shot taken for the SFA Repertory Dance Company. Yeah, I know it's just a photo, but it still made me happy...mostly because it means the semester is coming to a close.
  • Oh yeah, I'm so happy to announce the November issue of Texas Monthly is now on newsstands. I bought my first issue of Texas Monthly last month just to read the feature on Miranda Lambert. Needless to say, I'm now addicted to this magazine. 
  • The song of the week is "Lesson in Leavin" by Jo Dee Messina. It's just quite relevant this week. I feel a lot of my friends are having boy issues so this goes out to them. 


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