
Wow! I can't believe I'm actually blogging. The thought of creating a blog has crossed my mind hundreds of times, but I always put it off for one reason or another. With that said, I have no clue where to begin. I feel like I must kick off my first blog entry with some grandiose statement that is history book worthy, but my think tank is running on empty. I guess I'll just begin with a little about myself...how original.

To begin with, my name is Gina. I'm a senior at Stephen F. Austin State University. Yep, I go to a univeristy that has a doctorate program in forestry. Yep, it's a tiny university located in an even tinier city, but I love it. Go Lumberjacks! I'm pursuing a double major in dance and journalism. I know you won't be seeing these majors in the "10 Most-Lucrative Degrees" article any time soon, but I don't care. I followed my heart, and I'm sure it won't steer me wrong.

Growing up, I was the shy kid who always had something to say but never did. I kept my mouth shut for so long that I lost my own voice. No, I didn't lose my voice literally, but I did lose my own self, my identity. Luckily, this didn't last forever! I quickly found myself again after high school. I was able to dispose all of the labels I had been given and create a better version of myself. I no longer allowed other people to define me as a person; I defined myself.

Speaking of high school, I hated every minute of it. I'm not one of those people who long for the good days back, because they weren't good for me. With that said, however, I did have a pretty good senior year...maybe just because I knew I was almost free! Who knows!

After high school, I attended Lone Star College-Kingwood. I was too indecisive to settle on a university at that point in my life, so I chose to attend community college. Trust me, I had the smarts to go anywhere. I mean I was in the top 1% of my high school class. Many people think of community college as the 13th grade, but I don't. I loved it. I made some of my best friendships there, and I was given so many once-in-a-lifetime opportunities there. For example, I got to choreograph a piece for the Lone Star College Dance Ensemble, an opportunity never given to freshmen or sophomores at larger universities.

Anywho, I think that pretty much catches you up on the basics of my life. As I enter my senior year, I'm ecstatic to be a part of the SFA Repertory Dance Company and the Organizations Editor for the Stone Fort Yearbook. This should be a year to remember. Please stay tuned!


  1. I'm glad to see that you finally broke out of your shell a bit. I still struggle with my shyness, but have come a long ways since my high school years. We were definitely two of the quietest people on the dance team, lol.

  2. Ashley! I miss you so much! We definitely were the two quietest on the team! Ha! Those were some good times! Unfortunately, I'm a little too opinionated these days. I guess I'm making up for all the years I just sat there and kept my opinion to myself. How are you doing?

  3. I'm doing pretty good. Just busy with work/school/life. I see you are about to graduate next spring, congrats!


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