4 Month Blog Hiatus

I seriously can't even account for where the last four months went. While I was busy worrying about the most petty things, time flew by.   

In the last four months, I've...

-celebrated my grandfather's 80th birthday! 

-started my field based observations for my teacher's certification. It feels so weird to be back in high school. I still feel like a student myself.  

-studied, studied and studied some more for my dance certification test next week.

-learned the beauty of Crockpots! In fact, I'll share with you my favorite Crockpot recipe to date. It's so simple and tastes so good. Hope you enjoy it as much as me!

-went to Trader Joe's for the first time! I'm in awe of all the unique foods there. If you're addicted to pumpkin as much as me, you'll love their pumpkin muffins, pumpkin butter and pumpkin ice cream. (I tried free samples of all of them at the store.)

-read "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson as well as "Matched" by Ally Condie. I highly recommend both trilogies. "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is a little more difficult to follow since it's set in Sweden, but it's still great!

-bought my first pair of boots...not cowboy boots, but Bearpaw boots. They were only $25 at Ross, and I just couldn't pass them up! I guess this girl is no longer the "Bootless Texan." Ha!

Until next time, I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs. :)


  1. Gina! Are you doing Texas Teachers??

    1. Yes, I am! It was the most affordable program I could find! Ha! :)


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