"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."

Hectic. That's how my entire week has been.
1.) I finally finished the ACDFA paperwork. On Monday, I have to take it to the Student Affairs office to be processed. (Yep, I only wrote that to remind myself! Please disregard!) I hope the Repertory Dance Company gets a large grant for our trip to Laredo next semester. I could definitely use the financial support, and in a way, I feel like I'm responsible for the amount we qualify for!
2.) I also ordered my Mentor Ring. I've been putting it off for the past three semesters. It's crazy because I set out to spend the least amount, but I ended up spending way more. I had originally planned to go with sterling siver but ended up going with yellow gold. I originally planned to go with the extra-small design but ended up going with the small design. I originally wasn't going to get the diamonds, but you better believe I did! I must admit it didn't help that the girl next to me kept saying, "Go big or go home!" I blame her for the $562 I spent on my ring.
3.) I was cast in the guest artist's piece. This dance is amazing! It is 10 minutes long and includes some insane lifts! Since I was cast, I feel everything else in my life was put on hold for the week. We had 5 hour rehearsals every day this week. Let's just say there's not a spot on my body that doesn't hurt.
4.) Once again, I failed to meet a yearbook deadline. I was supposed to have seven spreads completed by today, but that didn't happen. See #3 to understand why.
5.) I failed to work on my senior piece any this week due to #3 as well. Due to my procrastination, I'm left with just Saturday to knock out about two minutes of choreography to teach my dancers. By Wednesday, our dances have to be complete! Deep sigh. I'm just a tad overwhelmed.
6.) Oh yeah, I also need to find time to write a feature article over the Rangerettes and Apache Belles some time this weekend. I just don't know when I'll squeeze this in since we are having Sunday rehearsals as well. Deep sigh again.
7.) Also, next week my feature writing class is going to the school's cafeteria to learn how to write food articles. Let's hope I fair well since I bashed the cafeteria in my "Meal plan rantings" article.

I guess that sums up my week for the most part. I hope you enjoyed reading about my unorganized chaos this week. Until next time, I leave you with my song of the week. It was my favorite song when I was a first grader...no lie! :)


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