"You've got enemies? Good. That means you actually stood up for something in your life."~Eminem

I chose to quote Eminem for the title of this blog post for two reasons...

1.) I'm a huge fan of his music. I have an Eminem playlist on my phone, and I can almost rap every song of his perfectly. :-0
2.) It was the best quote I could find! 

Monday = Road trip back to Nacogdoches. 
Wednesday = Beginning of my last semester at SFA. 

As for today, my mom and I made a trip out to Conroe to visit Silks 'N' Twigs. It was definitely worth the hour drive...especially if you take the scenic back roads like we did! :) They had it all... jewelry, purses, clothes, home decor, you name it! Plus, their Christmas items were all 50-75% off!

Long story short, I discovered my new addiction while I was there...Danielson Designs. They make the cutest wall decor ever. I'll definitely be buying these when I'm not so tight on money.

Oh yeah, I also won two tickets to see Chris Young at the Houston Rodeo on March 10th. I'm so stoked about it! Let the countdown to Spring Break begin! :)


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