"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."

2012 Resolutions
1. Save money! This will be tricky since I enjoy my dinners out at Chili's a little too much. With that said, I'm going to try to stick to a budget of $100 a week for food and other necessities. I guess I can start tracking my expenditures on future blogs to keep me from straying.

2. Eat healthier/get toner! OK, this is just wishful thinking on my part since I absolutely hate practically every vegetable and fruit out there. While I may not be able to live up to the "eat healthier" part, I should be able to exercise more with my awesome new purple weights I got for Christmas.

3. Get certified! I told myself I would get CPR/AED/First Aid certified last year, but I didn't. The certification classes at SFA are always offered on Saturday, the day of rest for me. With that said, I'm going to force myself out of my comfy bed one Saturday and survive the 7 hour class.

4. Graduate...enough said!

5. Get a job and/or go to grad school! 

6. Never allow myself to put others first that put me second. This one will be tricky. Unfortunately, this will mean letting go of a few friends I've tried so desperately to hold on to. 

I suppose that's enough resolutions for this year. I'll leave you now with some photos I took last night. Have a good year everyone! :)






  1. You should look into area hospitals that most likely offer CPR certifcation. That way you don't have to give up your day of rest!

  2. Thanks for the tip Ashley! I looked at the CPR course sponsored by the local fire department, but it cost a couple hundred dollars. At SFA, it is $55 to get certified in all three. I think it might be worth it to give up my day of rest to save the money! LOL!


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