Christmas Survey!

OK, I usually don't post twice in one week, but I absolutely loved this Christmas survey on Ashley's Starting Somewhere blog. I just had to steal it! :)

1.  Favorite Christmas Album/CD/Song? 
My favorite Christmas Album is definitely Christina Aguilera's "My Kind of Christmas." It came out in 2000, and I still can't get enough of it. 

2.  What do you usually eat on Christmas morning?
Sadly, I eat my usual breakfast on Christmas morning...either cereal, cookies or a granola bar. I'm not exactly a "morning person." 
3.  Favorite holiday or Christmas tradition?
Drinking eggnog and wrapping presents! I've gotten quite good at this wrapping thing. 

4.  Real tree, fake tree or no tree?
Fake! Woohoo! This year to save space we put up the "mini" tree. It's cute and gets the job done. Oh yeah, it only takes 5 minutes to take down too! Ha!

5.  Christmas pajamas… yay or nay? 
Nah, I'll stick to my usual pajamas...just a shirt and shorts 
6.  Where do you spend the holidays?  Your own house, your parents’ house, extended family, in-laws, friends? 
I usually go to my grandparents' house. We have lunch, play games and exchange gifts there. After that, I go home and crash! 
7. Open presents all at once or take turns?  Stockings… yes or no?
We take turns opening gifts and stockings are a must! 
8.  Favorite Christmas(ish) movie?
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! 


  1. Oh, totally forgot about National Lampoons Christmas. Definitely a close second for me!

    1. You know I just remembered The Polar Express...that's a good Christmas movie too! It's too hard to pick a favorite!


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