Gobble Gobble!

Thanksgiving. Just the word alone makes me smile. I love everything about this holiday. I love the rest, the relaxation, the games, the family time and, of course, the food!

This year I'm spending Thanksgiving with my grandparents and mom. Instead of slaving over a hot stove all day like we've done so many years before, we are having Cracker Barrel prepare our Thanksgiving feast. For just $54.99, we're getting a meal for 6! Here's the link for more info!
 Cracker Barrel Thanksgiving To-Go

On Sunday, my mom and I went to the Dancers Against Cancer Benefit Concert at UH-Clear Lake. The concert featured dancers from local studios and professional companies. In the end, all proceeds raised benefited Nick Linton and Aaron Pena Jr., two young men suffering from two different cancers. It was really an eye-opening experience that changed my outlook on life. I worry so much about the small stuff when I should just be thankful for every day. I hope any readers in the area can find time to support this amazing organization in the future.

Prior to that, I spent Saturday in Nac. It was so weird being back, but I had a blast. It was nice being able to see the Danceworks concert and support all of my dancer friends. I just wish I could've seen/spent more time with some of them.

I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving!


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