So I Promised I'd Blog More Often

The past few weeks have been pretty crazy for me. 

I took my dance certification test at the College of the Mainland on October 17th and.........


I also won tickets to the Gotye concert through a contest on the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion's blog. The concert was amazing! I fell in love with the Givers, the opening act. I highly recommend you check them out. One of their songs was featured on Glee recently!

I finished all of my field based experiences! Before interning, you must complete 30 hours of observation. While this doesn't sound like much, it really is quite hard to just sit and watch a class for that long.  

I took the Haberman Pre-Screener test??? Up until this week, I had no clue what this test was. Apparently, this one test has a 95% success rate of determining teachers who will stay and succeed vs. quit the profession. I should find out later this week my results. (YIKES)

I hope y'all have a great week, and I'll leave you with a quote I found on Pinterest.


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