Are there really useless majors?!?

I recently read an article by The Daily Beast titled "The 13 Most Useless Majors, From Philosophy to Journalism." If you haven't read this article yet, I suggest you do as this entire blog post was inspired by it. And let's be honest, you are curious to know whether or not your major made the cut.

OK...If you are now beating yourself up because your major made the list, STOP RIGHT NOW because BOTH of my majors made the list as well. We are all in the same boat and, luckily, this boat is not sinking.

When I was in high school, I spent months debating on whether to take the so-called "smart" route and become a pharmacist or take the road less traveled and major in dance and journalism. I weighed the options heavily, and in the end, I decided dealing with sick people all day just wasn't in the cards for me.

My future salary didn't matter to me so long as I could pay my bills and live comfortably. ALL I WANTED was a career that would keep me on my toes, inspire others on a daily basis and make a difference. 

In my opinion, both dance and journalism can do just that. As a journalist, you never know where your next story will take you. You are the first to inform the masses about any and everything happening around them. As a dance teacher, you can bring life to a child's confidence and heal even the most severe forms of psychological diseases through dance therapy. Does that sound "useless" to you?!

The reporter of the article above labeled a major "useless" based on its unemployment rate, projected growth and expected income. Unfortunately, this reporter, who most likely majored in journalism himself, failed to realize none of that determines if a major is "useless." IN FACT, it just means only the strongest survive in these fields.

PERHAPS the title should read "The 13 Most CHALLENGING Majors, From Philosophy to Journalism." Of course, this blog post would cease to exist if that was the case.

OK, I'm officially stepping off of my soapbox now. Time to put to use my USEFUL degrees! :) 


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