10 Things I'll Miss About Nac

Since the countdown to graduation has already begun, 
I thought it would be fitting to post about the things 
I'll miss about Nac.

1.) Drive-thru Subways...
they really do exist

2.) Einstein Bros Bagels...
The only one near Humble is in the Bush 
Intercontinental Airport...boo!

3.) Banita Creek Hall
I'll never forget the bands I've seen there
Josh Abbott, Eli Young, Curtis Grimes

4.) Flamingo Bingo...
the name pretty much sums it up.
If you are imagining pink paint and older people with trolls for luck,
you are so right! :)

5.) Pina Coladas from La Carreta...
any place that can mask the taste of alcohol is amazing

6.) Dollar movies in the Student Center

7.) The fact that everything is a five minute drive away.

8.) How cute SFA looks at all times of the year...
especially during Christmas

9.) Thinking...thinking...
I'll get back to you on that one! 

10.) Last but not least...
 the friends I've made. :)


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