"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Last week was...

Extremely difficult. 
I lost both my grandma on my dad's side
as well as one of my favorite dogs.
Since I don't see both on a daily or even yearly basis,
I find this hard to believe.
I just don't think it has hit me yet,
and, to be honest, it might never hit me the way it should.
I guess it's just another one of my weird ways of coping.
All I can be certain of is that both are in a better place now.
Rest in peace Grandma Butler and Angel! 

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."~Anatole France

Yet again, difficult.
I bombed my first two tests this semester.
Kinesiology is just not my subject...
I don't want to know and don't need to know about basketball or baseball.

I finally finished all of my yearbook spreads.
I worked months on that book, 
and it just feels good to know I completed a project that 
will be a part of SFA's history forever more.

I found out that my final degree plan is ready.
Can you say one more step closer to graduation?!?!
May 12, 2012, ready or not, here I come!

While this past week was far from the best,
it did teach me a lot of lessons.
In particular, I believe Gregory Upson said it best 
when he said:

"Tomorrow isn't promised to us.
So live as if today is your last day on earth.
Love like you've never been loved before.
Dream deeper than you've ever imagined you could dream.
Experience all that your heart desires.
If tomorrow you wake and everything still remains,
at least you're living now!" :)


  1. Sorry to hear about your week. :( when you get time you should plan to visit us one weekend!

  2. I really want to visit! I asked Martha Coon if it is her mom that works at Longview ISD, and it is! What a small world!


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