"The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn."


Two weeks left of class this semester!
2.8 months left until ACDFA!
5.5 months left until graduation!


I survived the SFA Repertory Dance Company/Danceworks Concert. The weekly 2 hour rehearsals for my senior piece and 6 hour rehearsals for company paid off. The concert sold out all three nights...something that's never happened before!

Also, I travelled to Dallas for the TAHPERD convention. It was a great experience. We performed in front of a panel of three adjudicators, one from TCU, one from UNT and one from Ryan ISD. Overall, they seemed to really enjoy our performance. In particular, I'll never forget this trip because of the amazing room at the Sheraton, the profusely sweating guy that cut in line at the Sheraton, the commentary made by both SFA professors after the profusely sweating guy cut in line, the awesome Houston ISD volleyball coach that was behind us in said line, the Draft Sports Bar, the map of Dallas that failed to have a "You Are Here" sticker, the Pressbox Grill and those amazing loaded cheese fries, Stan's excitement after winning an officer position for TAHPERD (he was unopposed), Lucky's and the awesome conversations/singing that occurred in the car on the way there and back.

19 Hours

Yep, I'm taking 19 semester hours in the spring. During my last semester as an undergrad, I'm taking Analysis of Movement, New Media, Modern 3, Tap, Dance Production, Rhythmic Analysis and the ACDFA class for company. Mostly, I'm concerned about the 8 a.m. Dance Production class with Stan. I've never been a fan of early mornings!

Healthiest Campus Dining Hall???

I find it quite absurd that Stephen F. Austin State University's dining hall ranked second in "The 10 Healthiest College Dining Halls in America" article published by the Huffington Post. I guess the proof is in the pudding, but for some reason, I think this pudding is rotten. I've posted the link to the article below.

Song of the week...

The song of the week is "Why Not Me" by The Judds. It's one of the many classics I heard on my car trip from Dallas to Nac.


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