"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
Highlights of my week:
- I got my column published in The Pine Log. This alone made me so giddy. I couldn't help but get a high any time I saw people around campus reading it. Since I know you are all anxious to see my column, I attached the link. Please know I'm not responsible for the typos. Meal Plan Rantings
- I got a ton of ad sales for the Stone Fort Yearbook. I really think the mass e-mail I sent out to the faculty advisers worked, and if it didn't, I'd still like to think it did. :)
- My senior choreographic project is roughly half done. Choreographing is such a grueling, draining process. It is so hard to know what the professors are looking for in terms of movement, but I feel I'm constantly gaining ground.
- I finally filed for my tentative degree plan. This degree plan is supposed to be filed after 45 credit hours, but I filed after 90 hours. Yep, I procrastinated once again.
- We had a guest speaker from The Daily Sentinel come into my Feature Writing course. The speaker, Rayanne Schmid, is the editor of the local paper. She was definitely an inspiration.
- I witnessed my dance teacher fall on the floor and sing "Ain't No Sunshine" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" loud and proud.
- All in all, this week has been quite memorable. I'm still busier than ever, but I'm managing. Without further ado, I'll leave you with my song of the week.
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