"If you are not enjoying the dance, there is always bowling."

Today, my alarm clock awoke from a three-month hiatus. It was loud. It was proud. It was, as you probably guessed, the first day of school. Unlike my alarm clock, I wasn't excited at all. I'm not sure why, but I can only guess the two classes I took in the summer didn't help my mood. At 6 a.m. on the dot, my senior year officially began...how anticlimactic. My day began with a bologna sandwich and chips for breakfast. It's the new breakfast of champions or, at least, that's what I told myself. I then proceeded to Feature Writing. Apparently, Feature Writing is known as the hardest writing-enhanced journalism course offered at SFA. With that said, however, I'm really looking forward to the class. We have a few guest speakers from local papers coming in and even a chef is going to do a demonstration for us. Can you say free food?!

After Feature Writing, I proceeded to News Writing 2. When I say proceeded, I mean I stayed in my exact same seat and waited for the next class to begin. Yep, my classes are in the same room...how convenient! I think this class should be pretty cool too. We get to choose an on-campus beat and write on it for the remainder of the semester. Also, the professor cancelled lab for both this week and next week...this makes me one happy camper!

My last class of the day was Jazz 3 with Libby. Yep, any class with Libby is sure to be an exciting one. I found it hilarious how many people in my class decided to quote her for their facebook statuses. FYI The title of this blog entry is one of her most popular quotes of the day. Following class, I went home to catch up on some zzzz's, eat lunch, and watch some YouTube videos on how to use InDesign before heading to the Student Publications Office.

Top 5 Moments of this week:
1.) The priceless looks on everyone's faces as they proceeded to class today. Apparently, I'm not the only one suffering from senioritis. I've even heard about a new strain known as Freshmanitis.
2.) Libby's reenactment of what your hair should not look like in class.
3.) The moment I found out I'll have business cards.
4.) My face when I first saw the InDesign program I'll be working with this year...priceless!
5.) TBD...it's only Monday!


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