Nutcracker Market Review/Favorite Booths

So I know it's been a few weeks since I went to the Nutcracker Market, but I thought I'd share with you my favorite booths/stores I saw while there. Since most of these places have websites, you might want to do a little Christmas shopping from your couch. :) Side note: While I enjoyed the Nutcracker Market experience very much, I probably will not be back. The admission is extremely high ($13 a person plus parking) and the massive amount of people pushing and shoving you makes it hard to stop and really look at the individual items. With that said, there are a few ways to cut your costs. You can print a $1 off coupon on their website or get half off admission if you show up 3 hours prior to closing. Personally, I'd recommend the latter because 3 hours is more than enough time to shop. Without further ado, here's the list- 1.) A Rosy Outlook -This booth was amazing. They sold accessories, shirts and so much more. I ended up buying the "Born & Raised in ...